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LP6341 详细介绍
相关商品: TT7237 FP6161 SY8008B RT8008 PAM2307 MP1484 MP2307 EUP3020

LP6341 】1.5A负载PWM双路输出降压DC/DC
The LP6341 contains a independent 1.5MHz constant frequency, current mode, PWM step-down converters. The converter integrates a main switch and a synchronous rectifier for high efficiency without an external Schottky diode. The LP6341 is ideal for powering portable equipment that runs from a single cell Lithium-Ion (Li+) battery. The converter can supply 1500mA of load current from a 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage. The output voltage can be regulated as low as 0.5/0.6V. The LP6341 can also run at 100% duty cycle for low dropout applications.

The LP6341 is available in a 10-lead 3mm*3mm DFN-10 package and is rated over the -40°C to 85°C temperature range.

LP6341 Input Voltage Range: 2.5V to 5.5V
LP6341 Output Voltage Range: 0.6V to VIN
LP6341 1500mA Load Current on Channel 
LP6341 Up to 95% Efficiency
LP6341 100% Duty Cycle in Dropout
LP6341 < 1 u A Quiescent Current
LP6341 1.5MHz Switching Frequency
LP6341 Soft star Function
LP6341 Short Circuit Protection
LP6341 Current Mode Operation
LP6341 Thermal Fault Protection
LP6341 3mm×3mm TDFN-10 Package
LP6341RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free 
LP6341 应用领域
Portable Media Players 
Cellular and Smart mobile phone  
GPS Applications